Author: Fr. Michael Winn

  • Our New Website!

    Our New Website!

    Please click here for our new website.

  • Annual Fall Supper

    Annual Fall Supper

    Our Annual Fall Supper will take place on Sunday, November 24, 4-6 pm. It will be a sit down supper.

    Our menu: Pork cutlet, perogies and sour cream, sauerkraut with Ukrainian sausage bits, meatballs and gravy, coleslaw, veggies, rolls with butter, dessert, coffee, tea, peach drink.

    Tickets are $25 per person, $15 for 12 & under.

    Please call 204-667-8866 for tickets.

  • Special Divine Liturgies for Health of Metropolitan Lawrence

    Special Divine Liturgies for Health of Metropolitan Lawrence

    There will be a weekly Divine Liturgy served in the city of Winnipeg for the health and recovery of Metropolitan Lawrence. All are welcome! The dates are as follows:

    Friday, October 18, 2024
    St. Nicholas Parish, 737 Bannerman Avenue
    6:30 pm – Rosary
    7:00 pm – Divine Liturgy (bilingual)

    Friday, October 25, 2024
    Holy Eucharist Parish, 505 Munroe Avenue
    6:30 pm – Rosary
    7:00 pm – Divine Liturgy (bilingual)

  • Prayers for Metropolitan Lawrence

    Prayers for Metropolitan Lawrence

    Dear Parishioners of Holy Eucharist Parish,

    We were informed today that our Metropolitan Lawrence was admitted to hospital yesterday having been diagnosed with COVID. His condition has deteriorated and he is presently in the ICU and may be put on a ventilator. Bishop Andriy was able to administer Holy Anointing of Sick and to give His Grace Holy Communion.

    Please join with me in praying for a full and speedy recovery!

    Fr. Michael Winn