Author: Fr. Michael Winn

  • AGM Date Is Moved

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Annual General Meeting of Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish has now been rescheduled to Monday, April 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Parish Centre.

  • Archeparchial Refugee Relief Effort

    The Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg has begun its efforts for refugees from Ukraine in collaboration with a number of partner organizations. If you would like to assist in this endeavour, please fill out this form online or download the form and send it to the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Forms may also be picked up in the church.

  • A small way to help Ukraine

    Our potato and cheese perogies, hand-made with love, are $7/dozen
  • Prayer for Ukraine

    O Lord God of powers, and God of our salvation, O God, who alone work wonders: look down with mercy and compassion on Your humble servants, and out of love for mankind hearken and have mercy on us and on the land of Ukraine.

    For, behold, enemies have once more gathered together, in order to cause division and enmity. But You who know all things, understand that they have risen up unrighteously, and that it will be impossible to oppose their multitudes unless You show us Your help.

    Therefore, we who are sinful and unworthy pray unto You in repentance and with tears: Help us, O God, our Saviour, and deliver the land of Ukraine for the sake of the glory of Your Name, that the enemy may not to say: “Their God has forsaken them, and there is none to deliver and save them.” But let every nation understand that You are our God, and we Your people are always protected under Your dominion.

    Reveal Your mercy, O Lord, and let the words spoken by Moses unto the people of Israel (Exodus 14:13-14) be applied to us: “Fear not. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord. For the Lord shall fight for us.” Work for us a sign for good, that they who are filled with hatred may see our orthodox faith and be humbled and shaken.

    Yes, O Lord God, our Saviour, our Strength and Hope and Help, remember not the transgressions and unrighteousness of Your faithful people, and turn not away from us in Your anger. But visit Your mercies and compassions upon Your humble servants, those who fight in defence of Ukraine and her much-suffering people, outnumbered though they be, and hear us who fall down before Your deep compassion. With Your mercy enlighten and make glad the hearts of the civil authorities and strengthened them by Your might.

    Rise up to their help and lay low the evil councils purposed against them by the enemy. Judge them that provoke and make war and turn their impious boldness into fear and flight. But grant unto the just and God-fearing armies of the children of Ukraine, great boldness and courage to advance and overtake them, and to defeat them in Your Name. And unto them that You have judged to lay down their lives for faith and country, forgive them their trespasses, and in the day of the righteous reckoning grant unto them incorruptible crowns.

    For You are the health and victory and salvation of them that put their hope in You, and unto You do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
