
  • Perogy Hotline

    Call 204-667-6304 and leave your name, your phone number, and how many dozen of our potato and cheese perogies (pyrohy) you desire. We will call back to confirm your order and work out a time for pick-up.

    We have had an overwhelming response to a recent article in the Free Press. Our orders are full. And we are taking a break for the summer. We will return to our Perogy making in September and will be taking orders for Thursday, September 22, 2022 in earlier in the month. Stay tuned to the website for more information later in the summer.

    Meanwhile, perhaps you will be interested in our Perogy Bash on May 28, 2022.

    Our perogies (the best in Winnipeg!) are made of potato and cheese and are $7/dozen. Currently, $1 of every dozen sold will go directly to humanitarian relief in Ukraine.

  • AGM Date Is Moved

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Annual General Meeting of Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Parish has now been rescheduled to Monday, April 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Parish Centre.

  • Archeparchial Refugee Relief Effort

    The Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg has begun its efforts for refugees from Ukraine in collaboration with a number of partner organizations. If you would like to assist in this endeavour, please fill out this form online or download the form and send it to the Archeparchy of Winnipeg. Forms may also be picked up in the church.

  • A small way to help Ukraine

    Our potato and cheese perogies, hand-made with love, are $7/dozen